Author: marketleap
Login to your Concrete5 website
Before you can do anything “under the hood” of concrete5 you will need to log in as a user or administrator. This short guide shows you how and where to log in and what to do if something goes wrong. Step 1. Load your website and look around for a…
Adding Images To a Slideshow in Concrete5
Using the Concrete5 File Manager

Another important utility within your Concrete5 site dashboard is the File Manager. The file manager allows you to upload photos, audio, videos, pdfs, basically any kind of file for use within your websites layout, or as a resource for your visitors to access or download. click image to enlarge Step…
Duplicating a page in Concrete5
click image to enlarge Step 1. Access your websites Sitemap Login to your website as an administrator and access the dashboard. Navigate to the Sitemap page to have a look at your existing pages. click image to enlarge Step 2. Locate the file you want to duplicate Using…
Editing Concrete5 Pages
Step 1. Access your websites Sitemap Login to your website as an administrator and access the dashboard. Navigate to the Sitemap page to have a look at your existing pages. click image to enlarge Step 2. Locate the file you want to duplicate Using the sitemap, navigate through the…